Caldwell County Property Taxes Let us help you with your Caldwell County property taxes


  • Caldwell County

    Flood Recovery and Emergency Information – County Face Book · Flood Recovery and Emergency … Caldwell County Courthouse 110 S. Main Street Lockhart …

Caldwell County Clerk

Please take note of our new address. POSTING OF PUBLIC NOTICES Carol Holcomb Caldwell County Justice Center 1703 S. Colorado St. Box 1, Ste. 1200

Caldwell County Appraisal District

Caldwell Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Caldwell County and parts of four surrounding counties.

Tax Assessor/Collector – Caldwell County

County Tax AssessorCollector. Darla Law Lockhart Main Office: 100 East Market Street Lockhart, Texas 78644. Phone: 512-398-1830. Fax: 512-398-1834 …

District Attorney – Caldwell County

DISTRICT ATTORNEY Fred Weber Criminal District Attorney. Caldwell County Phone: 512-398-1811 1703 South Colorado st. Fax: 512-398-1814. Box 5 Office …
FUN FACT about Caldwell County:
The county was founded in 1848 and was named after Mathew Caldwell,  a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence.